
An evaluation of video modeling with embedded instructions to teach implementation of stimulus preference assessments

Rosales, R | Gongola, L | Homlitas, C

Journal: Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis

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08 Mar, 2015
March 2015

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Examining contextual control in roulette gambling

Whiting, SW | Dixon, MR

Journal: Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis

Free Articles
08 Mar, 2015
March 2015

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An evaluation of the performance diagnostic checklist-human services to assess an employee performance problem in a center-based autism treatment facility

Ditzian, K | Wilder, DA | King, A | Tanz, J

Journal: Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis

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08 Mar, 2015
March 2015

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Do mirrors facilitate acquisition of motor imitation in children diagnosed with autism?

Miller, SA | Rodriguez, NM | Rourke, AJ

Journal: Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis

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08 Mar, 2015
March 2015

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A comparison of methods for teaching receptive language to toddlers with autism

Vedora, J | Grandelski, K

Journal: Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis

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08 Mar, 2015
March 2015

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Behavioral variability and autism spectrum disorder

Rodriguez, NM | Thompson, RH

Journal: Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis

Free Articles
08 Mar, 2015
March 2015

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Representativeness of direct observations selected using a work-sampling equation

Sharp, RA | Mudford, OC | Elliffe, D

Journal: Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis

Free Articles
08 Mar, 2015
March 2015

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Meta-analysis of noncontingent reinforcement effects on problem behavior

Richman, DM | Barnard-Brak, L | Grubb, L | Bosch, A | Abby, L

Journal: Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis

Free Articles
08 Mar, 2015
March 2015

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An evaluation of time in establishing operation on the effectiveness of functional communication training

Derosa, NM | Fisher, WW | Steege, MW

Journal: Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis

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08 Mar, 2015
March 2015

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The safety of functional analyses of self-injurious behavior

Kahng, S | Hausman, NL | Fisher, AB | Donaldson, JM | Cox, JR | Lugo, M | Wiskow, KM

Journal: Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis

Free Articles
08 Mar, 2015
March 2015


Parametric analysis of response interruption and redirection as treatment for stereotypy

Saini, V | Gregory, MK | Uran, KJ | Fantetti, MA

Journal: Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis

Free Articles
08 Mar, 2015
March 2015

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Evaluating the effects of massed and distributed practice on acquisition and maintenance of tasks and textual behavior with typically developing children

Haq, SS | Kodak, T

Journal: Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis

Free Articles
08 Mar, 2015
March 2015

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Examination of the prevalence of stimulus overselectivity in children with ASD

Rieth, SR | Stahmer, AC | Suhrheinrich, J | Schreibman, L

Journal: Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis

Free Articles
07 Mar, 2015
March 2015

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Examination of the relation between an assessment of skills and performance on auditory-visual conditional discriminations for children with autism spectrum disorder

Kodak, T | Clements, A | Paden, AR | LeBlanc, B | Mintz, J | Toussaint, KA

Journal: Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis

Free Articles
07 Mar, 2015
March 2015

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Teaching children with autism to discriminate the reinforced and nonreinforced responses of others: Implications for observational learning

DeQuinzio, JA | Taylor, B

Journal: Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis

Free Articles
07 Mar, 2015
March 2015

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The effects of fixed versus escalating reinforcement schedules on smoking abstinence

Romanowich, P | Lamb, RJ

Journal: Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis

Free Articles
07 Mar, 2015
March 2015


Using tagteach to improve the proficiency of dance movements

Quinn, MJ | Miltenberger, RG | Fogel, VA

Journal: Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis

Free Articles
07 Mar, 2015
March 2015

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Training pouched rats to find people

LaLonde, KB | Mahoney, A | Edwards, TL | Cox, C | Weetjens, B | Durgin, A | Poling, A

Journal: Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis

Free Articles
07 Mar, 2015
March 2015


Pages: 1 <- 37 38 39 40 41 42