
Differential reinforcement of other behavior increases untargeted behavior

Jessel, J | Borrero, JC | Becraft, JL

Journal: Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis

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01 Jun, 2015
June 2015

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Basic and translational evaluation of renewal of operant responding

Kelley, ME | Liddon, CJ | Ribeiro, A | Greif, AE | Podlesnik, CA

Journal: Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis

Free Articles
01 Jun, 2015
June 2015

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Teaching generatively: Learning about disorders and disabilities

Alter, MM | Borrero, JC

Journal: Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis

Free Articles
01 Jun, 2015
June 2015

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Sentence production after listener and echoic training by prelingual deaf children with cochlear implants

Golfeto, RM | de Souza, DG

Journal: Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis

Free Articles
01 Jun, 2015
June 2015

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The value of choice as a reinforcer for typically developing children

Brandt, JAA | Dozier, CL | Juanico, JF | Laudont, CL | Mick, BR

Journal: Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis

Free Articles
01 Jun, 2015
June 2015


Comparison of edible and leisure reinforcers

Fahmie, TA | Iwata, BA | Jann, KE

Journal: Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis

Free Articles
01 Jun, 2015
June 2015

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Clarifying inconclusive functional analysis results: Assessment and treatment of automatically reinforced aggression

Saini, V | Greer, BD | Fisher, WW

Journal: Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis

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01 Jun, 2015
June 2015

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Functional analysis of problem behavior: A systematic approach for identifying idiosyncratic variables

Roscoe, EM | Schlichenmeyer, KJ | Dube, WV

Journal: Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis

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01 Jun, 2015
June 2015

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Validating trial-based functional analyses in mainstream primary school classrooms

Austin, JL | Groves, EA | Reynish, LC | Francis, LL

Journal: Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis

Free Articles
01 Jun, 2015
June 2015

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A comparison of error-correction procedures on skill acquisition during discrete-trial instruction

Carroll, RA | Joachim, BT | St. Peter, CC | Robinson, N

Journal: Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis

Free Articles
01 Jun, 2015
June 2015

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Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder as behavior technicians for young children with autism: Outcomes of a behavioral skills training program

Lerman, DC | Hawkins, L | Hillman, C | Shireman, M | Nissen, MA

Journal: Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis

Free Articles
01 Jun, 2015
June 2015

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Teaching sight words to elementary students with intellectual disability and autism: A comparison of teacher-directed versus computer-assisted simultaneous prompting

Coleman, MB | Cherry, RA | Moore, TC | Park, Y | Cihak, DF

Journal: Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Free Articles
01 Jun, 2015
June 2015

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Using repeated reading and explicit instruction to teach vocabulary to preschoolers with hearing loss

Bobzien, JL | Richels, C | Schwartz, K | Raver, SH | Hester, R | Morin, L

Journal: Infants and Young Children

Fee For Access Articles
01 Jun, 2015
June 2015


Group parent training combined with follow-up coaching for parents of children with developmental delays

Barton, EE | Lissman, DC

Journal: Infants and Young Children

Fee For Access Articles
01 Jun, 2015
June 2015


Incorporating functional digital literacy skills as part of the curriculum for high school students with intellectual disability

Cihak, DF | Wright, R | Smith, CC | McMahon, D | Kraiss, K

Journal: Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities

Free Articles
01 Jun, 2015
June 2015

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Review of evidence-based mathematics interventions for students with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Hart Barnett, JE | Cleary, S

Journal: Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities

Free Articles | Literature Review
01 Jun, 2015
June 2015

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Utility of formal preference assessments for individuals diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Leaf, JB | Leaf, R | Alacalay, A | Leaf, JA | Ravid, D | Dale, S | Kassardjian, A | Tsuji, K | Taubman, M | McEachin, J | Oppenheim-Leaf, M

Journal: Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities

Free Articles
01 Jun, 2015
June 2015

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An investigation of the effects of CRA instruction and students with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Stroizer, S | Hinton, V | Flores, M | Terry, L

Journal: Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities

Free Articles
01 Jun, 2015
June 2015

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Effect of instruction with the Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction of students with disabilities: A meta-analysis

Lee, SH | Weheyer, ML

Journal: Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities

Free Articles | Literature Review
01 Jun, 2015
June 2015

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What is the proof? A methodological review of studies that have utilized social stories

Leaf, JB | Oppenheim-Leaf, ML | Leaf, RB | Taubman, M | McEachin, J | Parker, T | Waks, AB | Mountjoy, T

Journal: Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities

Free Articles | Literature Review
01 Jun, 2015
June 2015

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