Effects of the Project Approach on preschoolers with diverse abilities
Beneke, S | Ostrosky, MJournal: Infants and Young Children
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MoreEmbedded instruction: An evaluation of evidence to inform inclusive practice
Jimenez, BA | Kamel, AJournal: Inclusion
Increasing physical activity of children during school recess
Hayes, LB | Van Camp, CMJournal: Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis
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MoreAn evaluation of resistance to change with unconditioned and conditioned reinforcers
Vargo, KK | Ringdahl, JEJournal: Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis
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MoreEffects of a graphic organizer training package on the persuasive writing of middle school students with autism
Bishop, AE | Sawyer, M | Alber-Morgan, SR | Boggs, MJournal: Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities
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MoreAn analysis of learning rate and curricular scope: Caution when choosing academic interventions based on aggregated outcomes
Poncy, BC | Soloman, B | Duhon, G | Skinner, C | Moore, K | Simons, SJournal: School Psychology Review
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MoreObservational learning for students diagnosed with autism: A review paper
Townley-Cochran, D | Leaf, JB | Taubman, M | Leaf, R | McEachin, JJournal: Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
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MoreA systematic review of interventions for inappropriate sexual behavior of children and adolescents with developmental disabilities
McLay, L | Carnett, A | Tyler-Merrick, G | van der Meer, LJournal: Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
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MoreAssessing competencies in applied behavior analysis for tutors working with children with autism in a school-based setting
Denne, LD | Thomas, E | Hastings, RP | Hughes, JCJournal: Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders
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MorePreliminary lessons about supporting participation and learning in inclusive classrooms
Morningstar, ME | Shogren, KA | Lee, H | Born, KJournal: Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities
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MoreChoice architecture: A review of why nudge: The politics of libertarian paternalism
Rachlin, HJournal: Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior
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MoreThe effect of reinforcer magnitude on probability and delay discounting of experienced outcomes in a computer game task in humans
Greenhow, AK | Hunt, MJ | Macaskill, AC | Harper, DNJournal: Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior
The distribution of response bout lengths and its sensitivity to differential reinforcement
Brackney, RJ | Sanabria, FJournal: Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior
Effects of select and reject control on equivalence class formation and transfer of function
Perez, WF | Tomanari, GY | Vaidya, MJournal: Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior
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MoreEmergent identity but not symmetry following successive olfactory discrimination training in rats
Pritchard, A | Panoz-Brown, D | Bruce, K | Galizio, MJournal: Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior
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MoreSymmetry in the pigeon with sample and comparison stimuli in different locations II
Swisher, M | Urcuiol, PJJournal: Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior
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MoreThe effects of tact training on the development of analogical reasoning
Miguel, CF | Frampton, SE | Lantaya, CA | LaFrance, DL | Quah, K | Meyer, CS | Elias, NC | Fernand, JKJournal: Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior
In memoriam: C. Fergus Lowe 1946-2014
Erjavec, M | Horne, P | Hughes, C | Sharp, CJournal: Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior
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MoreFacilitating commenting and requesting skills in 3 year old children with disabilities
Stanton-Chapman, TL | Brown, TSJournal: Journal of Early Intervention
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MorePractitioner Review: Self-injurious behavior in children with developmental delay
Oliver, C | Richards, CJournal: The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry
Read the abstract here and tell the publisher you value this article | This article is a literature review that includes articles from core behavior analytic journals. The conclusions drawn from the authors, however, do not reflect what the behavior analytic literature tells us about self injury.