Meta-analysis of pivotal response training for children with autism spectrum disorder
Bozkus-Genc, G | Yucesoy-Ozkan, SJournal: Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities
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MoreEmbedded simultaneous prompting procedure to teach STEM content to high school students with moderate disabilities in an inclusive setting
Heinrich, S | Collins, BC | Knight, V | Spriggs, ADJournal: Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities
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Leaf, JB | Mitchell, E | Townley-Cochran, D | McEachin J | Taubman, M | Leaf, RJournal: Education and Treatment of Children
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Reed, DD | Becirevic, A | Atchley, P | Kaplan, BA | Liese, BSJournal: Psychological Record
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Kim, YRJournal: Behavioral Interventions
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Cartwright, A | Roche, B | Gogarty, M | O'Reilly, A | Stewart, IJournal: Psychological Record
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Chan, PE | Crosland, KA | Fogel, VAJournal: Behavioral Interventions
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Miller, JR | DeLeon, IG | Toole, LM | Lieving, GA | Allman, MJJournal: Psychological Record
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Martinez, CK | Betz, AM | Liddon, CJ | Werle, RLJournal: Behavioral Interventions
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Weng, PL | Bouck, ECJournal: Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities
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Davis, TN | Lancaster, HS | Camarata, SJournal: International Journal of Developmental Disabilities
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Lambert, JM | Bloom, SE | Samaha, AL | Dayton, E | Kunnavatana, SSJournal: Psychological Record
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