International publication trends in the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis: 2000-2014
Martin, NT | Nosik, MR | Carr, JEJournal: Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis
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MoreImplications for practice: Resurgence and differential reinforcement of alternative responding
Bloom, SE | Lambert, JMJournal: Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis
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MoreApplied behavior analysis services in public schools in Israel: examining functional behavior assessment processes
Ayvazo, SJournal: European Journal of Behavior Analysis
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MoreFixating, attending and observing: a behavior analytic eye-movement analysis
Hansen, S | Arntzen, EJournal: European Journal of Behavior Analysis
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MoreA preliminary examination of a vocal generalized conditioned reinforcer
Helton, MR | Ivy, JWJournal: Behavioral Interventions
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MoreExperimental analysis of the behavior of persons in groups: Selection of an aggregate product in a metacontingency
Todorov, JC | Vasconcelos, IJournal: Behavior and Social Issues
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MoreEmpowering teachers with low-intensity strategies to support academic engagement: Implementation and effects of instructional choice for elementary students in inclusive settings
Lane, KL | Royer, DJ | Messenger, ML | Common, EA | Ennis, RP | Swogger, EDJournal: Education and Treatment of Children
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MoreA systematic review of tablet computers and portable media players as speech generating devices for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Lorah, ER | Parnell, A | Whitby, PS | Hantula, DJournal: Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
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MoreDesigning serious game interventions for individuals with autism
Whyte, EM | Smyth, JM | Scherf, SJournal: Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
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MoreIncreasing access to an ASD imitation intervention via a telehealth parent training program
Wainer, AL | Ingersoll, BRJournal: Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
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MoreMaking heat visible: Promoting energy consumption behaviors through thermal imaging
Goodhew, J | Pahl, S | Auburn, T | Goodhew, SJournal: Environment and Behavior
Training of selective attention in work-active stroke patients
Starovasnik Žagavec, B | Mlinarič Lešnik, V | Goljar, NJournal: International Journal of Rehabilitation Research
Mass news media and American culture: An interdisciplinary approach
Wilhite, CJ | Houmanfar, RJournal: Behavior and Social Issues
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MoreAn effective neurofeedback intervention to improve social interactions in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Friedrich, EVC | Sivanathan, A | Lim, T | Suttie, N | Louchart, S | Pillen, S | Pineda, JAJournal: Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
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MoreUse of a behavioral graphic organizer to reduce disruptive behavior
McDaniel, SC | Flower, AJournal: Education and Treatment of Children
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MoreSelf-management for primary school students demonstrating problem behavior in regular classrooms: Evidence review of single-case design research
Busacca, ML | Anderson, A | Moore, DWJournal: Journal of Behavioral Education
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MoreStimulus preference and reinforcement effects of the Madagascar Hissing Cockroach (Gromphordahina portentosa): A case of reverse translational research
Dixon, MR | Daar, JH | Gunnarsson, K | Johnston, ML | Shayter, AMJournal: Psychological Record
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MoreUsing a behavioral approach to decrease self-injurious behavior in an adolescent with severe autism: A data-based case study
Boesch, MC | Taber-Doughty, T | Wendt, O | Smalts, SSJournal: Education and Treatment of Children
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MoreProbability pyramiding revisited: Univariate, multivariate and neural network analyses of complex data
Ninness, C |Henderson, R | Ninness, SK | Halle, SJournal: Behavior and Social Issues
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MoreMobile technology boosts the effectives of psychotherapy and behavioral interventions: A meta-analysis
Lindhiem, O | Bennett, CB | Rosen, D | Silk, JJournal: Behavior Modification
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